5 complete days behind the scenes of this amazing technology company

Barry Gipson
5 min readFeb 18, 2017


For many years I’ve paid for services by this telecommunications provider. Despite the public’s perception this company does not care about it’s customers, it’s totally untrue presently. I will share my first 5 days, and journey with them this year to prove it otherwise.

Day 1

Monday, February 13th. Traffic in the Pacific North West is brutal. Unfortunately for my new role with this company for my first 5 weeks of orientation require a commute of up to 5 hours round trip. Something I was not looking forward to, but thinking long term it’s only temporary.

You never get a chance to make a first impression as an employer. My first day basically consisted of indoctrination from the HR department to the executive leadership within the regional office in Lynnwood, WA. A full day of different speakers, and an overview of the company culture with it’s ongoing vision.

Business casual was the attire, and there were a total of 15 employees in the class. Surprisingly there were 3 other Navy veterans like myself. I found this exciting. Let’s just say on breaks throughout the day we all shared our sea stories. Especially during the catered lunch on the company’s dime by Panera Bread.

One message was clear throughout the day. The customer experience is our #1 priority. Having been hired as a Territory Sales Executive, there were 2 others in the class hired for similar sales positions. All others were technicians and a couple of administrative types. After verifying our personal documents for I-9 purposes this concluded day 1. Overall the first day was an absolute standard expectation setter. One that I immediately bought into.

Day 2

After being formally introduced to executive leadership day 2 consisted of a typical day, and it’s expectations on the job locally. One of the main reasons I applied for this job was the hour structure. From 10 AM to 7 PM. This was ideal for my families and I schedules.

Twice weekly those of us in this sales channel “Huddle” weekly for training, updates, and communications at our local office in Puyallup, WA. The entrepreneurial aspect of this job was my second reason for applying. My primary reason was to apply the skills acquired while in the Navy as canvass recruiter.

During the “Huddle” I was able to meet those on our team, and take in feedback giving from our Sales Development Manager (SDM) on team production efforts for the current month. Shortly afterward I was scheduled to go out into the field with an experienced team member for a ride along. This was to allow me to see what a typical day was like in our role. What’s expected, and how to always keep the customer first during execution.

Upon completion of Day 2 it was now time to commence our required training over the next 4 weeks by another SDM who specializes in training new hires at the companies “University” campus in north Seattle.

Day 3

Something about the number 3. Maybe the 3 hours it took to commute through traffic 1 way this morning thanks to 3 vehicle accidents attributed to the weather. Lastly, maybe because the next 5 weeks there are only 3 people in this class. 2 students and 1 facilitator. Day 3 was an overview of the training pipeline ahead of us.

It was a pleasant surprise that the SDM facilitating our training was a Navy veteran. The other student was a 21 year old male who worked for McDonald's for 4 years with no sales background at all. His role is the same as mine in north Seattle. A very mature and smart young man I might add.

This company has partnered with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and their Hiring our Heroes initiative. With a goal to hire 10,000 veterans. It feels good to be among those who have served in such a visionary company.

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Day 4

Day 4 was day 1 of our 4 day long product and sales training track specific to our role. Conducted via desktop video collaboration and conference call with an instructor in Utah.

Not to mention being issued the latest and greatest tech tools to execute our job in the field like an iPhone 7, and an Apple iPad. Go figure, I’m a loyal Android user. I look forward to seeing which operating system is the best now.

Day 5

Thankfully the commute was much better this morning. This will be our 2nd day of product and sales training. Upon conclusion of the day we were invited to the annual company awards banquet at the Marriot located near Sea-Tac airport. We actually learned of this during day 2 of our “Huddle.”

Annually all of the WA state sales force for this company meets to recognize employee performance and break bread. An environment I’m all too familiar with. During my career in the Navy as a recruiter we followed this same award and recognition structure annually.

They provided a fabulous meal along with 2 drink tickets. They also gave away multiple door prizes via raffle drawing. Each employee received 6 raffle tickets to drop in various boxes. Prizes like 2 Xbox One’s, Fitbit, iPad’s and iPod Shuffles with Bluetooth LG Tone headsets which I happened to be the first winner drawn!

Did I mention I’m an Android user? My 13 year old daughter was ecstatic when I returned home and gave them to her.

In conclusion

After my first 5 days on the job with this company I have to say I’m very impressed. Despite my own perception of this company in previous years during which I used their services during my various tours in the Navy.

Comcast was founded on the principle of being a communications and broadcasting company by the late Ralph Roberts from Tupelo, MS. Hence how the name is structured Com-Cast.

As the current vision is being cast and executed however, it is shaping up to be a fascinating forward thinking technology company. A Game Changer in it’s true definition.

Over the next 4 weeks I will continue to share my journey with you as a new hire. I encourage all veterans who are currently seeking employment to look into this exciting opportunity.

Please share this socially with a veteran today, and reach out to me with questions. This company is poised to Change the Game in 2017. I feel fortunate to connecting customers with such a superior service in the near future. Stay tuned!

Until next time,




Barry Gipson

A Father, Dallas Cowboys, LA Lakers fan, and veteran sharing insights and more for the '24 NFL & NBA seasons. A pivot in content.