Here’s why I HATE Facebook and won’t leave until they FORCE me

100K followers don’t mean jack shit when you operate on a pay-to-play platform.

Barry Gipson
5 min readSep 2, 2024
Labor Day Weekend Means Work.

Certified Delusional

Ah, controversy sells. Take it from a veteran. I smoke medical cannabis. I drink coffee daily. I love Dr. Pepper. It helps to swallow my VA prescriptions every night before bed. I’ve been divorced twice. Homeless once. I hate Facebook. Maybe I’m just fucking paranoid. It’s never been about the dopamine for me. More like a Sixth Cents.

I was arrested on my porch. I sat in jail for 2 weeks. Police confiscated my guns. I’ve been to multiple VA psychiatric wards. I’ve never met a fair hooker either thanks for that Dandy Don. She said I changed. I said a lot changed me bitch. Thank you Bob for holding down Facebook while I was in the clink.

Then above all that I have the nerve to be a fucking diehard Dallas Cowboys fan since 1985. One that says “It's our year every year until it ain't” publicly on Facebook since 2016. I’ve always been a receipts-driven type of guy.



Barry Gipson

A Father, Dallas Cowboys, LA Lakers fan, and veteran sharing insights and more for the '24 NFL & NBA seasons. A pivot in content.