How America dropped Atomic Bomb’s on it’s veterans, and told them to keep it a secret
A recent report by the VA in 2019 shows that veterans who lack health care connected with the VA directly contribute to the 69% of veterans who commit suicide each year. Eighteen veterans per day who make up that number actually shoot themselves with a firearm to the head.
Las Vegas recently changed it’s slogan to, what happens here only happens here. Now that the NFL’s centinniel season has concluded it’s sights are set on “Sin City” in the desrert this spring. A test site of sorts.
Pretty simple right? Get veterans the health care they need to reduce this God awful number in 2020. Well, if you fell into the category of “Atomic Veteran” until recently you had a gag order placed on you which made that impossible under law. For good measure let’s shuffle in a pandemic. A wild card on behalf of mental health.
“After the tests, the soldiers, many of whom were traumatized, were sworn to an oath of secrecy. Breaking it even to talk among themselves was considered treason, punishable by a $10,000 fine and 10 or more years in prison.” ~Morgan Knibbe
While conducting research during the course of writing my Amazon Kindle e-book “Bullet Proof” centered around veteran suicide last year I found this HIGHLY questionable. To the point it was included in my e-book as a result.
Here we are as a country failing our veterans every election year to the point they’re killing themselves with guns in the streets of America. BANG! All we hear among politicians lately is that guns kill people, people don’t. Then ask you 4 your vote off the backs of it’s veterans.
I guess Atomic Bombs kill people too; not the other way around.
Yet our leaders of the free world made thousands of veterans close their mouth’s to supress a secret in the name of national security. Is this some sort of sick joke? It’s actually a strategy called Mutual assured destruction.
What are the leaders of this country now saying to every veteran who swore to protect it at any cost in 2020 this election season? In return this is how we treat them?
Drop a bomb on them, and then put tape over thier mouth. For the most part just take their secret to the grave. The America way. Land of the free home of the brave.
What part of the GAME is that?
Bill Clinton relieved the veterans’ oath of secrecy in 1994, but the announcement was eclipsed by news from the O. J. Simpson trial. “Most of the atomic veterans didn’t even know the oath of secrecy was lifted,” Knibbe said.
This gives a total new definition of a “Shiny Object Syndrome” in the media.
Most went on to believe that they were not allowed to talk about their experiences, even to seek help for their health problems. Many took the secret to their grave. Watch the video and you be the judge yourself. Does America eat it’s own at any cost in the name of national security?
Please leave me a comment below, and let’s get some veterans on here chatting and checking in with a clap or a comment below. Be sure to follow me on Medium today. I write about veterans, sports, and cannabis topics.