The one reason why I have my Patron’s download the Patreon app
We Are Built Different
The simple answer is because the more committed you are to a thing the less likely you are to quit it. In order to understand the value of this simple step, I will share how I came to this conclusion with a short story below.
When I created my Patreon in 2017 I would have never imagined I would be sharing what works or not there with you here on Medium. The beautiful thing is many of my Patrons now follow me here as a result of this mind shift.
Since 2016 I have been blogging about Dallas Cowboys fans during my travels from Seattle to South Beach with them. Many are also Patrons, and little do they know that they taught me the most valuable lesson during this journey.
This goes back just a few short years ago while I was working for Comcast. I still utilize all of their services too by the way. When I sold them door to door for 2 plus years I believed in the product and their apps religiously.